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Knockout-EditableCell Demo

Keyboard shortcuts

Navigate in the table.
Shift + arrow
Select cells in the table
Ctrl + Shift + arrow
Select all cells in the table, starting from currently-selected cell
Cancel editing
Complete editing. Your change will also be automatically applied if you navigate away from the cell
Ctrl + Enter
If you have multiple cells selected, and begin editing, this will apply the value to all selected cells

In any editable cell, you can just start typing to edit values. Double-clicking will show the raw value (as in Age, below)

Firstname (editable, non-observable) Surname (editable) Salary (read-only) Age (editable)

Combined age:

Selection sum:

Firstname (editable, non-observable) Surname (editable) Salary (read-only) Age (editable)

Because both tables shared the same selection, your selection will automatically be confined to a single table. In addition, you can navigate between the two tables using the arrow keys.

Developers: See the documented version of the code (created using Docco), or view the source for this page.